
Press release - 13 September 2021

New transaction carried out by Largillière Finance: Sale of Booster Academy to Marc Adler

The investment bank Largillière Finance has orchestrated the transfer of Booster Academy, sold by Evelyne Platnic Cohen and her partner Sophie de Parseval to Marc Adler, accompanied by the fund Entrepreneur Invest.
Largillière Finance has once again demonstrated its expertise in operations aimed at creating opportunities for its clients, particularly in the field of Business Services. Indeed, Largillière Finance carries out nearly 30% of its annual transactions for companies specialized in Business Services.

During this operation, the major challenge for Largillière Finance was to identify the best candidate for the acquisition, who shared Booster Academy's culture (the company specializes in in-company and inter-company training aimed at improving commercial and managerial efficiency) and who would be able to carry out the transformations that would allow Booster Academy to continue its development for the benefit of its customers, employees, franchisees and training partners, while the vast majority of the sector's players are suffering the effects of the pandemic.

The sale of Booster Academy to Marc Adler comes after 15 years of a flourishing business, and should allow the directors to focus on their new project "The Artist Academy".

Marc Adler is specialized in the education and training sector. He has worked in the digital services sector (Atos, Dassault Systèmes, Unisys, Consort NT, Ayming) and is also recognized for his experience in education and training (Eduservices, Orsys).

About Booster Academy

Booster Academy has been working for more than 15 years with companies from all sectors (services, distribution, industry...) of all sizes (VSEs, SMEs, ETIs, large groups) but also with individuals, offering in-house and inter-company training courses aimed at improving sales and managerial efficiency.

Booster Academy has also developed a modular offer, based on practice and simulation. This offer is available in more than twenty training centers in France and is delivered in face-to-face and/or distance learning.

Booster Academy trains nearly 20,000 sales people and managers in about 20 cities in France, with a network of about 40 partner trainers.


List of Speakers

Target: Booster Academy Evelyne Platnic Cohen, Sophie de Parseval
Buyer: Mad Venture Formation  Holding de reprise de Marc Adler et d'un pool d'investisseurs minoritaires
M&A Advice: Largillière Finance Paul Bougnoux, Shamir Razavhoussen
Legal advice:
  • Buyer: Villechenon
Arnaud Levasseur, Marion Salus
  • Seller: Avodire
Annie Cadoret, Anne-Sophie Mahéas
Financial Partner: Entrepreneur Invest
Senior Debt:
  • BNP Paribas
Brendan Gianoncelli, Jean-Marie Salmon, Phillipe Sembres, Florence Enjolras
  • BRED
David Régodiat, Marc-Olivier de Bernardy


Evelyne Platnic Cohen, Founder of Booster Academy:

"I really appreciated the support of Largillière Finance. Largillière Finance has successfully accompanied us for 3 years on our capital operations, the fundraising of The Artist Academy and the sale of Booster Academy, from their preparation to their closing. I would like to thank them for their great professionalism and the human qualities of their support."


Marc Adler, Mad Venture Formation:

"I am very excited about the outcome of this transaction. Training in France is a sector in full transformation, and as such, it offers great development opportunities. Booster Academy has all the ingredients to become a key player in this market. I would like to thank the Largillière Finance team for its expertise and involvement in the success of this transaction."


Shamir Razavhoussen, Managing Partner of Largillière Finance:

"We are particularly pleased to have led the transaction to transfer Booster Academy to Marc Adler. We would like to thank our clients and partners for their confidence and their involvement in the success of this transaction. This transaction confirms the expertise of Largillière Finance in the structuring of LBO transactions in the business services sector. Offering new perspectives to our clients is what we place at the heart of our mission."

With offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Brussels and Geneva, Largillière Finance is an independent investment bank dedicated to assisting managers and shareholders of small and medium-sized companies with their capital transactions: company sales and acquisitions, financing (capital and/or debt), financial engineering (valuation, etc.) and financial strategy.

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Largillière Finance


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