
Press release - 15 September 2022

Largillière Finance took part in the new Bpifrance study in partnership with France Invest

Dedicated to the external growth of French SMEs, this study provides an unprecedented insight into their M&A practices.

At Largillière Finance, support for managers is at the heart of our DNA.

Paul Bougnoux, CEO and Founding Partner, comments:

Our interventions are spread over four key stages. Firstly, we help managers, investors and shareholders of SMEs and SMIs to reflect on their strategy and their plans for operations that could serve their long-term objectives. Then, if our clients decide to go for external growth, we study the best way to go about it and identify the best targets on the market. When one target is more interesting than another, we move on to the audit phase and support the drafting of the legal elements, in collaboration with the lawyers. Finally, we conduct post-acquisition debriefs to draw lessons from the 12 months of the operation, in order to improve what can be done next.”

We would like to thank the Bpifrance and France Invest teams for their confidence:

Thomas Bastin, Jean-Louis Etchegoyhen, Ludivine Chalençon, Pierre Netter and Simon Ponroy

Click here for the full report



With offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Brussels and Geneva, Largillière Finance is an independent investment bank dedicated to assisting managers and shareholders of small and medium-sized companies with their capital transactions: company sales and acquisitions, financing (capital and/or debt), financial engineering (valuation, etc.) and financial strategy.

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Largillière Finance

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