
Largillière Finance - 1 October 2021

Largillière Finance is a partner of the 4th Assises des TECHNOLOGIES FINANCIÈRES

The 4th Assises des TECHNOLOGIES FINANCIERES was held on Wednesday, September 30, 2021.

Under the chairmanship of Mr. Eric WOERTH, former Minister, President of the Commission of Finance, General Economy and Budgetary Control, Member of Parliament for the Oise.

The morning program was :

8:50 - Welcome and introduction

Eric WOERTH, former Minister, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Member of Parliament for Oise

9:00 am - "The French and their relationship with the economy: is there a "world after"?

Brice TEINTURIER, Deputy Director General of Ipsos France

9:20 a.m. - Conversation: "The digital transformation of the banking and financial services sector accelerated by the crisis

Since its creation, the French banking industry, by going through many crises such as the 1929 crisis, two world wars and more recently the 2008 financial crisis, has not only proven its resilience, but has always been able to learn from these crises in order to strengthen its resistance and its means of action.

While it is clear that digital technology played a key role in preventing France from coming to a standstill during the health crisis, the latter not only boosted new uses and put digital networks and services under strain, but also constituted a real-life "crash test" for banks. It was an unexpected and unprecedented event that demonstrated the banks' ability to adapt and their key role in supporting the economy in general and businesses in particular.

It was also an event that accelerated innovation in the sector, particularly in the area of dematerialization of payments, services and multiple processes associated with credit, information and customer relations. Finally, it is a challenge that questions the organization of our banking system and its mastery of digital technologies in the context of the explosion of new business models based on the capture of customer relationships, the possession of data and the governance of platforms.


  • Guillaume BLOT, digital transformation officer of Sopra Banking
  • Alain CLOT, founding president of France Fintech
  • Benoît de LA CHAPELLE-BIZOT, Advisor to the Chairman, Director of Public Affairs, Groupe BPCE
  • Luc MILLOT, cyber resilience expert, Banque de France
  • Cyril CHICHE, CEO of Lydia

10:20 - Crossed perspectives: "Bank-as-a-Service: when the bank also sells itself in white label
In the transformative trend of an evolution of consumption towards the economy of functionality or use, more and more companies, in more and more sectors such as health, providence, automobile, household appliances, mass distribution, but also cultural goods, energy, insurance and even real estate, are integrating financial services into their offers. Thus, the consumer is increasingly buying an "integrated solution" instead of a product or service.

This trend is now meeting another one, born from the transformation of the banking sector: that of the "Bank-as-a-Service" which proposes technological solutions to those economic actors whose business is not banking and who will be able, thanks to these solutions, to complete their offers with financial services.

  • Frédéric DIVERREZ, Director of the BtoB and specialized services division of the Arkéa Group
  • Claire DUCOS, Director of Development & Director of Financial Services Consulting, Sopra Steria Next

10:40 a.m. "The banking sector at the forefront of societal, digital and environmental transformations"
Maya ATIG, General Manager of the French Banking Federation

10:50 am - Roundtable: "Which projects and which technologies to serve European economic sovereignty?"
From an alternative means of exchange in the digital world, crypto-currencies are on the way to becoming a major and structuring element of the global economy. Stability, governance, regulation, independence, neutrality of the mining industry, energy consumption, ... are however all questions that remain a prerequisite for their development. Questions to which the blockchain ecosystem brings answers but which will require the guarantee and the government of the central banks which are more and more numerous to launch their own digital currencies (MDBC) in particular in order to preserve the monetary sovereignty in front of the offensive of the big tech and the freedom of choice between the means of payment. It was with this ambition that the EPI initiative was created.

It is an ambition that will also, and perhaps most importantly, need to be supported by appropriate, consistent and secure regulation, contributing to France's attractiveness in the field of payments in general and crypto-finance in particular.

Introduction and moderation

Bertrand ANNETTE, Associate, Lyncas


  • Faustine FLEURET, President of ADAN
  • Claudine HURMAN, Director of Infrastructure, Innovation and Payments, Banque de France
  • Hervé JUCHET, Associate Director, Prolival

11:50 - Round table: What digital technologies for "sustainable banking" and "green finance"?
It is likely that the health crisis will play a role as a "trend gas pedal", in particular that of an evolution in public demand for a more sober and nature-friendly society. In this context, it is likely that criteria such as carbon footprint, respect for biodiversity and, more generally, new requirements of social and societal responsibility, will become predominant factors in the choice of a banking institution. In this context, digital technologies, in particular blockchain, will undoubtedly have a decisive role to play, notably by providing consumers with more information, allowing access to investment for the greatest number of people and the expansion of microfinance. Paradoxically, the development of these technologies will be questioned by their own impact on the environment and in particular by their carbon footprint.

How has the 2020 health crisis changed investment doctrines and practices? What methodology for comparing investment strategies in terms of ecological and societal impact should be implemented? Which technologies for which means of control? What can we expect from the EGS (environmental, social and governance) criteria and the EU's green taxonomy? What tools should be used to measure impact criteria and compliance with them? What principles of digital sobriety should be applied to the banking sector?

Introduction and moderation 

Thibault VERBIEST, Metalaw partner, President of the Iour Foundation


Thierry BEDOIN, General Manager of the Information System, Banque de France
Maximilien NAYARADOU, Managing Director of Finance Innovation
Dhafer SAIDANE, Professor, Ph.D, Skema Business School - Université Côte d'Azur
Benoît CLAVERANNE, Managing Partner, Chief Transformation and Development Officer of Oddo-BHF SCA
Mathilde ICLANZAN, Managing Director of WiSEED

12:50 - Closing
Denis BEAU, Senior Deputy Governor of the Banque de France

With offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Brussels and Geneva, Largillière Finance is an independent investment bank dedicated to assisting managers and shareholders of small and medium-sized companies with their capital transactions: company sales and acquisitions, financing (capital and/or debt), financial engineering (valuation, etc.) and financial strategy.

To read

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Largillière Finance


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