
Press article - 20 February 2024

Desperately seeking a buyer: managers face the challenge of transferring their business – Discover Paul Bougnoux’s analysis in Le Figaro.

Despite the Dutreil pact, the handover remains handicapped by the weight of taxation.

Business leaders are no exception to the country's demographic trend: like the French, they are aging. According to a report published in October 2022 by the French Senate's business delegation, 25% of business leaders are over 60, and 11% over 66. Consequently, the highest estimate puts the number of businesses of all sizes looking for a buyer over the next ten years at 700,000. But passing on the baton is a complex process, as the French tax system continues to penalize the transfer of ownership. This is a huge challenge at a time when France is seeking to regain its competitiveness and restore the prestige of its industry.

Read the full article here

With offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Brussels and Geneva, Largillière Finance is an independent investment bank dedicated to assisting managers and shareholders of small and medium-sized companies with their capital transactions: company sales and acquisitions, financing (capital and/or debt), financial engineering (valuation, etc.) and financial strategy.

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