
Largillière Finance - 28 July 2021

1st Largillière Finance Trophy of the Polo Derby of La Baule

The 1st Largillière Finance Trophy of the Polo Derby of La Baule

was held on July 24th

at the Brittany Polo Club in La Baule

in the presence of

Jean-François Decaux
President of the Brittany Polo Club

Jean-Claude Driancourt
President of the Derbys of La Baule 

Paul Bougnoux
President of Largillière Finance


Congratulations to the Cavok Pantera team and its captains Norbert Janvier and Arnaud de Chenevarin great winners.

And a great second place to the Red Falcon team and its captain Laurent Dassault !


We would like to thank our partners and customers of the Western Region Brittany Pays de la Loire for their presence.

With offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Brussels and Geneva, Largillière Finance is an independent investment bank dedicated to assisting managers and shareholders of small and medium-sized companies with their capital transactions: company sales and acquisitions, financing (capital and/or debt), financial engineering (valuation, etc.) and financial strategy.

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Largillière Finance


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